We’ve been listening to your feedback, and in the next few weeks we’ll be launching new
ValueTrack features for advertisers using keyword level URLs. These features will help advertisers achieve specific conversion and ROI goals, and make the
upgrade to enhanced campaigns easier by:
- Directing users to a device-specific landing page at the keyword level.
- Enabling measurement of the effectiveness of campaigns by device.
What’s newWe’ve added a new parameter,
{ifnotmobile:[value]}, where you can replace [value] with text that will then show up in your URL when the user clicks on your ad from a computer or tablet. We’re also changing the existing ValueTrack parameter
{ifmobile:[value]}. This parameter will now insert the specified value into the URL only if the user clicks from a mobile device.
In this post, we will discuss using the
ifmobile and
ifnotmobile parameters to direct users to a device-specific landing page. We will also discuss performance tracking by device, and how the
ifmobile and
ifnotmobile parameters differ from the existing
device parameter.
Example 1: Redirecting users to device-specific landing pagesResponsive web design is often a good fit for advertisers who provide device-optimized experiences to their users. If you must specify different landing pages depending on device, you have two options. If the landing page varies by creative, you can simply create mobile-optimized ads by setting the device preference to “Mobile.” If the device-specific landing page varies for each keyword, then you can use the
ifmobile and
ifnotmobile parameters in the keyword-level destination URL. It is important to remember that if you are using the
ifmobile parameter today, it will no longer insert a value into the URL for tablet clicks. The new parameter
ifnotmobile will now insert a value into the URL for tablet and desktop/laptop.
Let’s say you want to send mobile users to "m.example.com/widgets," and desktop and tablet users to "www.example.com/widgets" for the keyword “widgets.” In this scenario you could set the destination URL for this keyword to:
Example 2: Tracking performance by device If you want to track performance by device, the existing
device parameter will work for most cases. Using
device inserts an “m”, “t”, or “c” into the destination URL, depending on whether the user clicked from a mobile device, tablet, or desktop/laptop computer. If your tracking system requires different internal ids for the same keyword on different devices, then you may need to use the
ifmobile and
ifnotmobile parameters.
For the keyword “widgets”, let’s say you have assigned an internal keyword id of “df32” for desktops and tablets and “df33” for mobile devices. You can set the keyword-level destination URL to:
Then, if the user clicks from a desktop or tablet, the landing page is:
and for a mobile click:
Success in actionAdvertisers are upgrading to enhanced campaigns and seeing strong results. VivaStreet in France, the 4th largest free classified website in the world, upgraded all of their campaigns within the two weeks after launch. When they upgraded, they increased their mobile bid adjustment to 125% and saw
overall conversions increase by 34%. After seeing the positive results, VivaStreet went on to increase their mobile bid adjustment to 140%. By using ValueTrack parameters, you can also direct users to device-specific content and measure the effect it has on conversions.
We appreciate the
feedback we have received on enhanced campaigns and encourage you to continue helping us understand how to make a great product.